Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category
DIY Christmas: door swag
This super easy DIY swag came together in (literally) just minutes with the leftover greenery I bought at Rose Bredl for our mantel. It gave our doorway such a happy holiday spirit I thought I would share with you all …
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hanging around
This wall was still a work in progress when I took these pictures (and the sun was being tricky)- but its truly too cute not to share now. Vintage milk bottles containing ranunculus and green dianthus (the quirkiest, cutest little …
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flowers in the window
just like everyone’s favorite Travis song…right? But aren’t these pretty? You can easily do this yourself for a party (a shower, perhaps?) or just because its nice to be greeted with flowers on any accomplish:1. Take an standard size …
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I love the new valentines decor we put up today at Rose Bredl. The letters were so simple- just pre0cut cardboard letters with spray paint- but they are so charming against the brick!
DIY- Tear Off Calendar
Our friends Ashley and Brittany made this amahzing tear-off calendar. It is so beautiful and was made with such care, we just had to show it off! I love that its mounted on reclaimed barn wood, and some of the …
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Rose Bredl Gifts: Terrariums
Terrariums make amazing gifts, and we’re happy to now carry our own version at Rose Bredl. This is the one Mary made me, a begonia made perfect with spongy moss, and lava rocks in a le parfait mason jar. I …
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DIY RB ornaments
These ornaments are super easy to make and so cute hanging from fresh greenery anywhere in the home to make you need:fillable glass ornaments (available at your local craft store)fake snowwee little bits o’ nature: we used tiny baby pinecones …
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pumpkin fun
by day…and by night!I used an electric drill on mine- I love how it turned out, but also it was really, really fun to use! Definitely recommend.
Summer DIY- Glittered Hurricanes + Votives
Perfect for an outdoor summer party or wedding- these glittered hurricanes were super easy to make and the effect is magical (summer magical, you might say.) Be warned though, once you start putting glitter on things, it’s hard to stop. …
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